Propolis used in traditional medicine Propolis yang digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional
Propolis is made by bees. It has been extensively used in traditional medicine as well as herbal medicines because of its antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.
In propolis there have been identified more than 300 different components but the main ingredient is polyphenol.
When propolis is administered orally:
- increases immunity against infection
- regulates blood pressure
- it has a calming effect
- protects the body against the effects of ionizing radiation .
Check Propolis and Royal jelly offer: Visit our Oziwell Shop
Propolis ini dibuat oleh lebah. Telah banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional serta obat-obatan herbal karena sifat antibakteri, antiseptik, anti-inflamasi dan anestesi.
Dalam propolis telah diidentifikasi lebih dari 300 komponen yang berbeda tetapi bahan utama adalah polifenol.
Ketika propolis diberikan secara oral:
-meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap infeksi
-mengatur tekanan darah
-memiliki efek menenangkan
-melindungi tubuh terhadap efek radiasi ionisasi .
Periksa propolis dan Royal Jelly menawarkan: kunjungi kami Oziwell Shop